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Darryl Hwang

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Assistant Professor of Research Radiology and Biomedical Engineering



    Darryl H. Hwang completed his bachelors, masters, and doctorate in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Southern California. As an undergrad, he conducted research in the Molecular Computation Lab under Len Adleman. He pursued his masters and doctorate in the Biomedical Imaging Lab with Manbir Singh and Natasha Lepore. In 2012, he was instilled as the Director of the the 4D Quantitative Imaging Lab at Keck Medical Center of USC. He was subsequently appointed an Assistant Professor of Research in the Department of Radiology in 2015 and received his joint appointment in the Department of Biomedical Engineering in 2017.

    Research Summary

    Dr. Hwang's research centers around multi-modal medical image post-processing encompassing MRI, CT, and ultrasound. Specializing in 3D and 4D visualization, radiomics, and customized workflow integration, his primary focus is the facilitation of clinical imaging research. Topics of interest include volumetrics, image segmentation, 3D printing, 3D visualization, digital radiomic metric generation, and medical imaging informatics.

    • Radiology

    • HCT 1520 San Pablo St. HC2 L1711
    • USC Mail Code: 90033

    Contact Information
    • darrylhw@usc.edu


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