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Bennett Fu Yan Lee

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Part Time Lecturer of Technology and Applied Computing


  • 2014, Bachelor's Degree, Business Administration, University of Southern California


Bennett is an Associate Director of Engineering @ BCG Digital Ventures, leading teams of seasoned frontend / backend / devops / QA / data engineers to build scalable and enterprise grade platforms from the ground up with Fortune 100 companies. He's also a part time University Lecturer @ USC Viterbi, teaching courses across the Mobile Development and DevOps programs. In his spare time, he hosts an educational platform (MadeSimple.tv) that makes simple complex topics simple to understand.

  • Technology and Applied Computing Program

  • BHE B5
  • Biegler Hall of Engineering
  • 920 Downey Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089

Contact Information
  • bennettl@usc.edu


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