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Xuehai Qian

Profile picture

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering


  • 2013, Doctoral Degree, Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • 2007, Master's Degree, Computer Engineering, Institute of Computing Technology
  • 2004, Bachelor's Degree, Computer Engineering, Beihang University


I have a Ph.D. from the Computer Science Department at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I lead ALCHEM (Architecture Lab for Creative High-performance Energy-efficient Machines) at USC. Our group focuses on computer architecture, its interactions with software/systems and the implication of emerging technologies. Our research takes a vertical approach and considers multifaceted aspects to realize the vision of correct, high performance and energy efficient intelligent systems. The unique vertical approach tackles the challenges by focusing on the interactions across multiple system stacks including applications, programming model, runtime/compiler, architecture and emerging technology. This approach fully exploits all the opportunities that are not sufficient, or even possible if only one system layer is considered. We are currently working on several topics including Correctness of Concurrency, Data Movement and Performance, Architectural Supports for Irregular Applications, Embedded Intelligence, Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) Systems and Stochastic Computing for Machine Learning.

Research Summary

Computer architecture.
System and architecture for graph processing and machine learning. Hardware acceleration with emerging technologies


  • 2021 ISCA Hall of Fame
  • 2021 MICRO Hall of Fame
  • 2020 Computer Architecture Aggregated Hall-of-Fame
  • 2019 IEEE Senior Member
  • 2019 Inaugural ACSIC (Association of Chinese Scholars in Computing) Rising Star Award. http://acsic.org
  • 2019 HPCA Hall of Fame
  • 2019 ASPLOS Hall of Fame
  • 2015 Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation (HLFF) One of 200 selected to participate
  • 2013 UIUC W.J. Poppelbaum Memorial Award
  • 2007 UIUC Andrew and Shana Laursen Fellowship

  • EEB EEB 204
  • Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center
  • 3740 McClintock Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089
  • USC Mail Code: 2562

Contact Information
  • (213) 740-4459
  • xuehai.qian@usc.edu


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