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Viterbi Faculty Directory

Gaurav Sukhatme

Profile picture

Fletcher Jones Foundation Endowed Chair in Computer Science and Professor of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering


  • Doctoral Degree, Computer Science, University of Southern California
  • Master's Degree, University of Southern California
  • Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology


Gaurav S. Sukhatme is Professor of Computer Science and Electrical &
Computer Engineering at the University of Southern California
(USC). He holds the Fletcher Jones Foundation Endowed Chair in
Computer Science and serves as the Executive Vice Dean at the USC
Viterbi School of Engineering. He is currently also an Amazon
Scholar. He served as Chairman of the Computer
Science department at USC from 2012-17. Sukhatme received his undergraduate education at IIT Bombay
(B. Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering 1991), and M.S. (1993)
and Ph.D. (1997) degrees in Computer Science from USC. After a brief
postdoc, he joined the USC faculty. He is the co-director of the USC
Robotics Research Laboratory and the director of the USC Robotic
Embedded Systems Laboratory, which he founded in 2000. Sukhatme's
research is in networked robots, learning robots and field
robotics. He has published extensively in these and related areas. He
has served as the Principal Investigator on numerous NSF, DARPA and
NASA grants. He is a Fellow of the AAAI, the IEEE and a recipient of
the NSF CAREER award and the Okawa foundation research award. He was
named a distinguished alumnus by IIT Bombay in 2020. Sukhatme is one
of the founders of the Robotics: Science and Systems conference. He
was program chair of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on
Robotics and Automation and the 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference
on Robots and Systems. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Springer
Nature journal Autonomous Robots and has served as Associate Editor of
the IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, the IEEE
Transactions on Mobile Computing, and on the editorial board of IEEE
Pervasive Computing.

Research Summary

Sukhatme is interested in developing algorithms, techniques, and tools to design and understand large-scale, distributed, networked robotic systems with an emphasis on environmental monitoring. He also works in learning and planning for robot grasping and manipulation.


  • 2020 IIT Bombay Distinguished Alumnus
  • 2020 Orange County Engineering Council Outstanding Engineering Merit Award
  • 2018 AAAI Fellow
  • 2012 USC Mellon Mentoring Award
  • 2010 IEEE Fellow
  • 2008 USC Center for Excellence in Research Faculty Fellow
  • 2006 Okawa Foundation Okawa Foundation Research Grant
  • 2005 IEEE IEEE Senior Member
  • 2005 AAAI Outstanding Senior Program Committee Member
  • 2002 NSF CAREER Award
  • 2001 USC VSoE/Northrup Grumann USC VSoE Junior Faculty Research Award
  • 2000 NASA/JPL/Caltech Excellence in Research
  • 2000 University of Dortmund Gambrinus Fellowship
  • Executive Vice Dean, Executive Vice Dean
  • Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science
  • Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • RTH 405
  • Ronald Tutor Hall of Engineering
  • 3710 McClintock Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089
  • USC Mail Code: 2905

Contact Information
  • (213) 740-0218
  • gaurav@usc.edu


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