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Events for January 23, 2014
USC DEN@Viterbi Information Session
Thu, Jan 23, 2014
DEN@Viterbi, Viterbi School of Engineering Graduate Admission, Viterbi School of Engineering Student Affairs
Workshops & Infosessions
The USC Viterbi School of Engineering Distance Education Network (DEN@Viterbi) strives to meet the needs of engineering professionals, providing the opportunity to advance your education while maintaining your career and other commitments. By breaking down geographical and scheduling barriers, DEN allows you to take your classes anytime and anywhere.
Join this information session to learn more about the 40+ graduate level programs and continuing education offerings available completely online.
11:00AM Session - Click to RSVP!
6:00PM Session - Click to RSVP!Audiences: RSVP Required
Contact: Viterbi Professional Programs
Get Connected
Thu, Jan 23, 2014 @ 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Viterbi School of Engineering Student Affairs
Student Activity
Student organizations will be on hand showcasing the various ways to get involved at Viterbi. Students can also find out how to participate in project teams and leadership opportunities. Come out and meet students from numerous engineering student organizations and GET CONNECTED!
For more information about Get Connected! visit Engineering Quad
Audiences: Undergrad
Contact: Christine D'Arcy
Distinguished Lectures: Engineering immunity via hitchhiking therapeutics
Thu, Jan 23, 2014 @ 12:45 PM - 01:50 PM
Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Darrell Irvine, Departments of Biological Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Talk Title: Engineering immunity via hitchhiking therapeutics
Series: Distinguished Lectures
Abstract: Our laboratory develops synthetic materials as tools to dissect cellular immunology and as delivery agents for new immunotherapies and vaccines. In this talk, two examples illustrating work from our laboratory will be described. In the first segment, we focus on the problem of targeting antigens and immunostimulatory agents to lymph nodes, the anatomical site where immune responses are initiated. A clinical procedure where efficient lymph node targeting is achieved is sentinel lymph node mapping in cancer patients, where small-molecule dyes are efficiently delivered to lymph nodes by binding to serum albumin. To mimic this process for vaccine delivery, we synthesized amphiphiles designed to non-covalently bind vaccine antigens and adjuvants to endogenous albumin. These “albumin-hitchhiking” amphiphiles were efficiently delivered to lymph nodes following injection, leading to impressively amplified cellular immune responses and anti-tumor immunity.
In a second example, we turn to a cellular therapy for cancer. Adoptive cell therapy (ACT) using patient-derived tumor-specific T-cells is a promising approach for cancer treatment, but strategies to enhance the persistence and functionality of ACT T-cells are still sought. Meanwhile, the use of synthetic nanoparticles as carriers to deliver drugs to tumor environments has become of increasing interest, with the goal of targeting drugs to tumor sites. We will describe a strategy combining these two approaches, based on chemical conjugation or targeting of drug-loaded nanoparticles (NPs) to the surfaces of live lymphocytes for ACT. We demonstrate how ACT T-cells carrying cytokine-loaded NPs (to permit pseudo-autocrine self-stimulation following transfer into tumor-bearing hosts) are capable of massive in vivo expansion and robust anti-tumor responses, enabled by minimal doses of cytokines that by comparison have no therapeutic effect when given in a soluble form systemically. Together, these results suggest that the combination of nanotechnology approaches with cell therapy can dramatically enhance the efficacy of cancer immunotherapies.
Host: Prof. Wang
More Information: Darrel Irvine poster-2014.pdf
Location: James H. Zumberge Hall Of Science (ZHS) - 159
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Ryan Choi