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Events for September 10, 2013
Non-Gaussian Image Structure, and the Rationale for Tomographic Image Reconstruction
Tue, Sep 10, 2013 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Dr. Craig Abbey, UC Santa Barbara
Talk Title: Non-Gaussian Image Structure, and the Rationale for Tomographic Image Reconstruction
Series: Medical Imaging Seminar Series
Abstract: Gaussian stochastic processes are a common model for medical and scientific images, leading to Gaussian statistical properties characterized by mean, variance, and correlations. However it is clear that real image ensembles have higher-order non-Gaussian structures that are not fully described by these statistics. Furthermore, studies in vision science suggest that he visual system is tuned to these non-Gaussian components.
This seminar will present one way to quantify non-Gaussian statistical structure in images, called Laplacian fractional entropy (LFE). We will then see some ways that LFE is influenced by factors of interest in medical imaging, such as image processing of full-field digital mammograms or different breast imaging technologies. Finally, we will consider the rationale for tomographic reconstruction of projection images, using LFE to address the possibility that the primary benefit of image reconstruction is to repackage the statistical properties of the acquired data.
Biography: Craig K. Abbey received his PhD in applied mathematics from the University of Arizona in 1998. He was a postdoctoral fellow in medical physics at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and UCLA from 1998 to 2001. From 2001 to 2004 he was a member of the faculty in biomedical engineering at UC Davis, where he retains an adjunct position. His primary affiliation is in the Dept. of Psychological and Brain Science at UC Santa Barbara. His research focuses on how useful information is extracted from images in the presence of noise and other signal distortions. Methods for investigating this topic include theoretical analysis of image statistics as well as visual psychophysics for evaluating human observer performance.
Host: Professor Krishna Nayak
More Info:
Location: Hughes Aircraft Electrical Engineering Center (EEB) - 248
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Talyia Veal
Event Link:
Bloomberg Information Session (DATE CHANGED TO 9/9/13)
Tue, Sep 10, 2013 @ 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Viterbi School of Engineering Career Connections
Workshops & Infosessions
Join representatives of this company as they share general company information and available opportunities.
PLEASE NOTE: This information session has been moved to Monday 9/9/13.Location: Seeley G. Mudd Building (SGM) - 101
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: RTH 218 Viterbi Career Services
USC Graduate Engineering Information Session in Taiwan(Taipei)
Tue, Sep 10, 2013 @ 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Viterbi School of Engineering Graduate Admission
Workshops & Infosessions
You are cordially invited to meet William Schwerin, Assistant Director of Graduate Recruitment, and Ray Xu, Director of the USC China office for the Viterbi School of Engineering, at our upcoming information session in Taipei, Taiwan.
Students who have earned or are in the progress of earning a Bachelor's degree in engineering, math, or a hard science (such as physics, biology, or chemistry) are welcome to attend to learn more about applying to our graduate programs.
The information session will include a presentation on: Master's & Ph.D. programs available at USC, how to apply, scholarships, student life, and more. Students will also have the chance to ask questions and receive official brochures and handout information from USC. Light refreshments will be served.
To register, visit our info sessions page.Audiences: Everyone Is Invited