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Events for September 02, 2021
PhD Thesis Proposal - Tu Do
Thu, Sep 02, 2021 @ 08:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science
University Calendar
Date and Time: Thursday, September 2nd @ 8:30-10 AM PDT
Committee: Ewa Deelman, Rafael Ferreira Da Silva, Aiichiro Nakano, Ramesh Govindan, Viktor Prasanna, Michela Taufer
Title: Enabling Efficient Execution of In Situ Workflows
Advances in high-performance computing (HPC) allow scientific simulations to run at an ever-increasing scale, generating a large amount of data that needs to be analyzed over time. Conventionally, the simulation outputs the entire simulated data set to the file system for later post-processing.
Unfortunately, the slow growth of I/O technologies compared to the computing capability of present-day processors causes an I/O bottleneck of post-processing as saving data to storage is not as fast as data is generated. According to data-centric models, a new processing paradigm has recently emerged, called in situ, where simulation data is analyzed on-the-fly to reduce the expensive I/O cost of saving massive data for post-processing. Since an in situ workflow usually consists of
co-located tasks running concurrently on the same resources in an iterative manner, the execution yields complicated behaviors that create challenges in evaluating the efficiency of an in situ run. To enable efficient execution of in situ workflows, this proposal proposes a theoretical framework that models the efficiency of in situ execution for evaluating the performance of in situ workflows. By extending the proposed performance model to resource-aware performance indicators, we introduce a method to assess resource usage, resource allocation, and resource provisioning for in situ workflow ensembles. In support of the thesis, this work serves as a prerequisite of evaluating in situ scheduling decisions.
Zoon info:
WebCast Link:
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Lizsl De Leon
KCLC Welcome Week Workshops
Thu, Sep 02, 2021 @ 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Information Technology Program (ITP)
Workshops & Infosessions
Hello Trojans!
Are you looking for assistance on how to best adjust to the return to campus, improve your social skills, cultivate time management skills, and alleviate stress? Come to our workshops and Drop-in hours hosted by the USC Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity. No reservation or appointment is required for our general workshops and drop-ins.
KCLC will be hosting Welcome Week workshops on Returning to Campus and Time Management. Starting in September, the workshops will have a weekly theme of time management, reading strategies, stress management or test-taking. The workshops will be interactive with great tips and resources.
The Drop-in hours, where you can meet with an academic coach to discuss learning strategies will start the second full week of the semester Monday-Friday. Please note: these may be held in a group format depending on staff availability and demand.
For more information, see the attached flyers with dates and times. We have also attached a semester calendar and created a Student Success zip file as you prepare to start the semester.
If you are interested in learning more about weekly academic coaching, email us at for additional information.
KCLC will have more events throughout the semester and you can check out the most up to date workshop and drop-in schedule on their website
More Information: Fall 2021 Welcome Week Workshops.pdf
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Astani Civil and Environmental Engineering Seminar
Thu, Sep 02, 2021 @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Conferences, Lectures, & Seminars
Speaker: Dr. Pengfei Cao, Staff Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Talk Title: Surpass the Modulus- Extensibility Trade-off of Elastomers: Go Beyond the State-of-Art
Abstract: Please see attached abstract and bio.
Host: Dr. Qiming Wang
More Information: Pengfei Cao_Abstract-Bio.pdf
Location: Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 996 8004 9945 Passcode: 905716
Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Evangeline Reyes
Navigating U.S. Job Search Workshop (In-Person)
Thu, Sep 02, 2021 @ 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Viterbi School of Engineering Career Connections
Workshops & Infosessions
International students, increase your career and internship knowledge by attending this professional development Q&A moderated by Viterbi Career Connections.
To access more information on this workshop, log into Viterbi Career Gateway>> Events>>Workshops:
For more information about all workshops, please visit
Location: Ronald Tutor Hall of Engineering (RTH) - 211
Audiences: All Engineering Students
Contact: Viterbi Career Connections
Virtual First-Year Admission Information Session
Thu, Sep 02, 2021 @ 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Viterbi School of Engineering Undergraduate Admission
Workshops & Infosessions
Our virtual information session is a live presentation from a USC Viterbi admission counselor designed for high school students and their family members to learn more about the USC Viterbi undergraduate experience. Our session will cover an overview of our undergraduate engineering programs, the application process, and more on student life. Guests will be able to ask questions and engage in further discussion toward the end of the session.
Register here!Audiences: Everyone Is Invited
Contact: Viterbi Admission
Navigating U.S. Job Search Workshop (Virtual)
Thu, Sep 02, 2021 @ 04:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Viterbi School of Engineering Career Connections
Workshops & Infosessions
International students, increase your career and internship knowledge by attending this professional development Q&A moderated by Viterbi Career Connections.
To access more information on this workshop, log into Viterbi Career Gateway>> Events>>Workshops:
For more information about all workshops, please visit
Access Zoom link on Viterbi Career Gateway:
Location: Virtual (via Zoom)
Audiences: All Engineering Students
Contact: Viterbi Career Connections